- Food
- Litter
- Heating
- Vets fees
- Medication
- Toys, bedding and bowls
As a member you will receive a quarterly Newsletter detailing the latest news on cats in our care, events, fundraising achievements and new residents. If you would like to become a member of the Bristol's League for Cats then please complete the below form and send with relevant membership fee to the address provided.
Annual Subscription
- Single Adult Membership £7.50
- Joint / Family Membership (resident at the same address) £10.00
- Senior Citizens £5.00
- Juniors (under 16's) FREE
If you would like to provide a one-off donation then please fill in the relevant section on the membership form (under annual subscriptions). If you would like to donate specifically to one of our long-term residents then please specify this on your membership form.
A membership application form can be downloaded here...